Saturday, September 25, 2004

Security Blanket

So I just took one of those cheesey on-line quizzes that I love to take, and I found out that I deal with stress by turning to society-approved crutches. How very true that is. My coffee cup is my grown-up security blanket. I can't function without it. It is as much a psychological addiction as it is chemical. Of course it went on to say that I should stand on my own and learn to cope without the crutches, but what's the fun in that? I like coffee. My french press and I are quite happy together. I have no desire to give it up whatsoever. Why, exactly, do I need to stand on my own anyway? I see no need for it. And so I will continue to lean.

1 comment:

0r4cl3 said...

That is funny! I just hope that you never run out of coffee! Otherwise, you will have no crutches, and then you will fall. Wait a second, I have seen you when you have had no coffee.......Keep an Emergency Supply!!! lol