This is a pointsettia that has grown into a tree.
These photos are all in my school yard.
These flowers are blooming on a tree outside of our front balcony.
And these shots I took when John and I went for a walk in another part of our neighborhood.
the meandering thoughts of a random mind...
Muy Bonita! Very beautiful! Can't wait till Spring comes here and stays for good! I think with the weird winter we had this past winter, everyone has a serious case of Spring Fever! Tell John hi for me! Love ya..Aunt Jacque
These pictures are beautiful! I love the flowers! Good pix of you & John too!
Isnt Spring lovely no matter where you are at? You and John look happy. The blossoms are very beautiful. They look tropical. Thanks for sharing your part of the world. It makes the world seem a whole lot smaller!-love ya
Pretty pretty.
i wish it was like that in America! we're just getting buds.
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