Saturday, July 04, 2009

Days like that

I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. Thanks to my mother's fine example and coaching my husband now knows how to deal with those. He dealt brilliantly yesterday.

I used to cry and he would try to fix it and when he couldn't he's get frustrated and angry and desparate to make me stop. When my mom came to Egypt for the wedding, I had multiple meltdowns. Getting married in another country, culture, and language, can be incredibly overwhelming. I cried a lot and at random moments. My mother, knowing me as she does, would simply pat my back, let me cry, and say reassuring things. She knows not to try to fix things. She knows that I just need to cry sometimes. Watching this was enlightening to John. He realized that he doesn't need to make things better, that he just needs to let me cry. He's been amazing at it ever since.

He was great yesterday. I spent a good part of the day weeping. Why? I'm sure there are a million reasons, the biggest being hormones. Hey, I'm a girl. I cry a lot. I was missing my family, and wishing the John could come with me to see them this summer. I think I was also prcessing the fact that once again things are happening the people I love in the States and I'm far away and helpless. I'm realizing that most of my friends are gone and many of them are not going to come back in the fall. And I kept going back to a comment my mother-in-law made last week about how much weight I've gained (here gaining weight is not bad, so she has no idea how psychologically damaging a comment like that can be to me). I kept thinking: I'm going back to America and everyone's going to notice how fat I am! Tragedy. Yes. Vanity. Yes. He just let me cry. He was good.

Today I'm feeling a bit more stable. What is my problem? I do not know. I just have days like that sometimes.


Jacque said...

We ALL love you Sarah & we ALL (us women) certainly understand the hormones & crying at a drop of a hat! I myself had several meltdowns at the beginning of this week where I just cried because of things that were out of my control!! Right now all I can do is give you a virtual cyber hug **HUGS**, but there will be plenty of real ones when you get here! I am glad John learned from your Mom to just let you cry!! From all the books I have read, men have a real need to fix things, so this is REAL growth for him!! God gave you a great husband in John! We know he will take great care of you! He showed me that when we all went to Washington together just before your American wedding!! We are ALL grateful God gave him to you!! I love you loads & loads!!

Vicki said...

I KNOW how you feel also! If I was there we'd cook up a big batch of brownies and maybe live dangerously and add ice cream and fudge sauce! That and time with the Lord always helps :)

Debbie said...

Your aunts are so sweet! They love you lots! If it makes you feel any better (probably not) all the weight I had lost for your wedding, has since found its way back. Grrr!

amoetspes said...

I love you guys too. I can't wait to see you soon.

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Some days we are just weaker than others. Some days our strength helps us to withstand, and some days that strength is in short supply. And yes, lots of things sound like they are hitting you at once so...cry! And I would actually feel a lot better if you came here fat...

Jacque said...

By the way, I somehow seriously doubt you are anywhere near fat! You are an absolutely gorgeous woman!! All our girls and women are just beautiful! Jordan you are gorgeous!!

amoetspes said...

Jordan, you're my favorite!!!