Thursday, May 26, 2005

Shoot Me

Today I bonded with my best friend all day. We went shoppping. I hate shopping, but sometimes it's necessary, and it'always better to do it when you have your mother's gift cards and a little moral support. We also went out for coffee where I think I had most of an emotional breakdown. Jason, this is what happens when you leave me here to survive this place without you. I have had quite a number of emotional breakdowns lately. I am not good at adjusting to change, and yet I seem to be the queen of change. I don't understand myself.

1 comment:

0r4cl3 said...

Sarah, Tom might be coming home soon, you'll be ok. You need to come out and visit, and then we can get coffee at a nice coffee shop out here! I miss you~! You will adjust just fine, your way of adjusting just includes emotional breakdowns..... luv ya