Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Oh Tanenbaum

My family went to the tree lot and picked out a Christmas tree today. It was a numbing experience. My extremities have not thawed yet. I discovered that
picking out a Christmas tree to please the whole family is not always easy. Everyone has their own taste in Christmas trees. I like stiffer trees, the kind where you can hang an ornament and it won't slide off fifteen times because of flimsy branches. I like Christmas trees that are shaped like christmas trees, not like over grown bushes. I like them to be tall and full, but triangular, not round. Not everyone agrees with my taste. We ended up finding one that everybody approved of. It's actually very nice. I can't wait to decorate it.

I am bound and determined to enjoy the holiday season to its fullest this year, especially since I didn't really have one last year. Even dumb little things that nobody cares about are huge events for me this year. I refuse to listen to music that isn't Christmas music. At work I refuse to create packages or gift baskets that aren't Christmassy (no orders for Hannukah baskets yet). I definately wouldn't let my family just go out and pick up a tree without me. I had to be part of the process, browsing and delkiberating ovver which tree would best suit our needs and (of course) my taste. I even tolerate freezing temperatures for the experience.

As Christmas crazy as I have been this year, I have not done much Christmas shopping yet. First the money just wasn't available, and now the time isn't there. I'm also struggling for ideas. One thing about last year's Christmas season: the Christmas shopping was so much fun. Having Dave in Thailand with me, wandering through the markets, finding all kinds of random and somewhat exotic novelties to buy for people at home. It was a blast. This year it's back to America's malls and high prices. But that's part of being home for the holidays, so I can't complain. Eventually I will get the shopping dne, and then I will have a blast wrapping all the presents.


Jeremy said...

sounds like you like fake metal trees that are perfect but that could just be the way I intrepret things.
yeah, Im going to go to Canada to buy my Christmas presents. haha. just kidding.
and ur actually posting a lot more now. Im glad to see it. did u get that new computer or is it coming in time for Christmas? ;-)

amoetspes said...

J, you should see the tree we got. It's beautiful -- and it's not fake!!! The new computer is here and the decent internet connection is on its way.

0r4cl3 said...

Remember to hang my ornament for me! I hope to see you soon Sarah! Have a good Christmas....