Monday, December 05, 2005


We had Bible study at my house tonight. I think it went well. We have been doing a Sunday night, young adults Bible study at my house for a couple of months now. I really enjoy doing it. Of course we hang out and eat. That always adds to the enjoyment of an event.

I have had my first driving-in-the-snow experience of the season. Actually for me this was the first in years. I was a little freaked out. I made Tom come with me and talk me through the process. Eventually I'll get used to this winter thing again... maybe that will happen when I begin to feel my fingers, toes, and nose again... sometime in May? Anyway, despite the scarey driving conditions, it's all very pretty, although my view of it has been a little blurry. The perpetual shivering that I have been experiencing since somewhere in the middle of November seems to blur my vision. I am excited about Christmas, however. It will be nice to be back home for the holidays again this year, winter or not.

I have been working everyday but Sunday lately. I really love my jobs though. I love the children that I work with. They are all adorable. I have also been working at a gift/ coffee/ candy shop. That is a ton of fun. I manage the store while the owner works at the candy house. We make hot drinks, ice cream, baked goods, and gift baskets, etc. She gives me complete creative freedom. I have so much fun with it. Honestly, by the end of the day I am always left wondering where the time has gone. It's been great.


Jeremy said...

haha, guess you cant call yourself an umemployed bum anymore. ;-) So where do you work at? Guess I need to give you a call to find out.
have you ever thought that you should be checked out for some time of condition for that shivering? sounds like you have some chi blockage. ;-) Anyhow, cant wait to see you when I come home for Christmas. Talk to you soon!

Jeremy said...

time=type Damn the editor in me. ;-)

0r4cl3 said...

Hey! Come out and visit! Please!!?? I love ya!