Sunday, January 23, 2005

Life Bits

Some of my friends and I went downtown last night to the Bangkok International Film Festival. We saw a European film called Modigliani. It was really good. I haven't seen a really good film since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and that's been quite a while. I think my roomate and I are going again tonight. That's the plan anyway. Should be fun.

My roomate and I redecorated our little area today. We put stuff on the walls and rearranged. It's so nice to have a roomate. I was only without one for a little while, but I am really glad Erin's here now. We are as different as night and day, but it totally works. I think our differences work as compliments. Whatever the case, I am thankful for her.

One of my students is moving to the U.S. I told her that if she and her family are ever in my area to come stay with us. How crazy it would be to see one of my students outside of Thailand. Talk about a different environment. It would be really cool though. It's funny how you just automatically put a person in the environment that you know them in, and it's just odd to imagine them in any other place. I hope I see her in the U.S.

1 comment:

amoetspes said...

Haha, be careful who you extend that offer to, you amy have more houseguests that you were bargaining for. I really do want to come visit you guys.