Thursday, January 06, 2005

Yes, I am a thief...

I STOLE this from Jason
(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.

(C) Then I want you to go to your journal/blog, copy and paste this and say that you stole it from me.


amoetspes said...

1. If I had the choice right now, I would live in an apartment in the Pittsburgh area with Mandy.
2. Who knows if I'll ever get married. I can be fairly neurotic, I don't know if anyone would ever want to live with me. I would like to someday, although I don't obsess about it or anything. I am enjoying being single right now.
3. My qeust is to conquer the world alongside Pinky and the Brain.

Jeremy said...

1. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
2. What Should I do with My Life, by Po Bronson
3. I recommend Luc to everyone, Jason got me loving it.

1. What adventure would you go on next if coming home didn't matter?
2. What regrets do you have?
3. Which screams louder, the call of the world, or the call of home?

0r4cl3 said...

2. Voltaire: Candide
3. yea, Luc

1.Do you want to go to Colorado with me in May?
2. What has been your most life-changing experience?
3. Who is your fav. poet?

amoetspes said...

First of all I just bought that movie, and I have been absolutely obsessed with it since it came out here in Thailand.

1. If coming home didn't matter, I would either go to grad school in Cairo, join the Peace Corps and work in Nepal, or teach English somewhere else in the world.

2. I can't really think of any big regrets. I regret any time wasted in life (but you would have to qualify waste).

3. The call of the world screams louder when I am at home (which is very seldom), and the call of home is louder when I am away.


1. I would love to, but it all depends on MONEY.

2. My most life changing experience would probably be heading to India right out of high school. The shocking discovery that there was more to the world than my own comfortable American existance, and the stark contrast between life in India and life in the U.S. really opened my eyes and changed my perspective. The recent tsunami relief effort that I joined is running on the heals of India though for the most life changing experience.

3. My favorite poet, that's a hard one. At the risk of sounding cheesy and generic, I would have to say the big guy, Bill Shakespeare, although there are so many who are amazing.


1. Well, they started out making them triangular, but the corners proved to be injurious to small, blindfolded children who ran into them, so they shaved down the corners and made them round, somewhat softening the blow on impact.

2. I have no idea, and I hope to never see that age (although even now I harbor a fondness for recalling past adventures).

3. Because hindsight is twenty-twenty.