Thursday, January 20, 2005

Stress and Stupidity

We had another meeting at work yesterday. Gotta love those meetings. Nothing like wasting unnecessary amounts of time going in circles and accomplishing nothing. In the end we ended up with only illogical solutions to all of the problems presented and plenty of extra work to do. And when they figure out in a month or less that these ridiculous attempts at solutions are not working, they will restructure again, and we will get even more unnecessary work to do that will continue to accomplish nothing and the pattern will continue. None of us are even really clear on exactly what it is that we're doing because there is no clear communication ever. It's all so ridiculous. I am not the expert on running a school, but I was in school for quite a while before coming here, and I really don't think that this is the way to do it. I can't wait to get out of here.

Sometimes I am sad that my Thailand experience has been so wrapped up in this crazy job. I really like Thailand whenever I am not here, but that is so seldom (since I work and live here) that my whole impression of the country is tainted by my work experience here. Other aspects of the place I like, but the work aspect seems to make everything so miserable, that it takes away from the good things here. Now I just can't wait to leave.


0r4cl3 said...

true, true. The only difference might be that there would hopefully be a little less ineptness in the schools back in the States. Unfortunately, there is no easy way for you Sarah, you just have to endure it, and then come home!

amoetspes said...

Honestly guys, you have no idea. I am here with a bunch of westerners who have worked in North Americans of other places in the U.S. and Canada, and they are all of the same opinion that I am. And at least the meetings in my country would be conducted in my language. And then I'll have a little more idea why people are screaming at or about me rather than always hearing screaming (yes, screanimng) and only understanding my name.

Jeremy said...

Denver would be such a more beautiful place if I didn't have to work as well dear. Im trying not to let Denver ruin my impression of Colorado but its too late. Only Hope and Anticipation of good things to come keep me happy here. Honestly...

amoetspes said...

Jeremy, when you move to another country and get a real job in a foreign environment, then you have the right to be sarcastic, and condescending in your arrogant comments, ok?

0r4cl3 said...
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0r4cl3 said...

uuuhhh, sarah, I don't think Jeremy was consciously or even purposely trying to be arrogant....that's one problem with typed speech, there are no tone indicators.....

amoetspes said...

If not then I apologize for the response, but I'm not convinced... ?