Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Culture Shock Prequel

Today was a random holiday in the middle of the week. It was kind of nice though because it fell right when my roommate was back in town for the day. We got to hang out together and just chill. Tonight we went to a movie with some of our Thai friends. One of them drove. It was so nice to be in a person's car rather than a taxi, tuk-tuk, bus, boat, songtau, skytrain, subway, or any of the other random modes of transportation that I take to get around this city. Those are all cool, I don't mind them. They're can sometimes be quite an experience, but I found myself sitting in TDum's car this evening thinking "oh yeah, this is what it feels like." We had control of the radio. We had control of where we wanted to go. It was just our group of friends and nobody who we didn't know. It sounds weird, but I had forgotten what that feels like.

I go home in two and a half weeks, and I think that I am going to discover a lot of things that I had forgotten. Bangkok is no longer foreign to me. It doesn't have hometown familiarity, but I am used to it. It's still an adventure everyday, but it's an adventure that doesn't throw me off quite as often as it did when I first got here. When I get home I'll realize how many things I've gotten used to here. What a weird though. Culture shock here I come!


0r4cl3 said...

Be prepared to be re-culture shocked! I can't wait to see you again! Have a good time in the next 2 1/2 weeks...

amoetspes said...

Lol, Thaks Dave, I was worried that I may not have enough shockage when I get home, but I'm sure that you'll do your best to provide plenty. I love ya, bub.