Saturday, April 09, 2005

Songkran Here I Come!

Tonight I am off for Chiang Mai. I am hoping to spend the week visiting with all of my friends from the north and several from Bangkok who will be in the north. I'll probably spend most of the week dripping, because this week is the Songkran Festival, a week-long, nationwide water fight from which no one escapes unscathed, or should I say unbathed. I have heard that it's pretty crazy, and I can foresee it getting a little annoying at times, but hopefully I'll have a good week anyway. Relaxation is what I'm aiming at, but in order to do that I may have to hide in my friends' house. We shall see how it goes!

1 comment:

0r4cl3 said...

No way!! Why don't we have National Waterballoon fight in the US?? MAN!