Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Back in Bangkok!

I'm back! It is good to be home after travelling, and believe it or not I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. The bilingual department at our school is making some changes that will hopefully improve the way things run a little. I hope it really does.

My trip north was incrediby encouraging. I spent some time with some missionaries up there. It's incredible the affect that one conversation can have. I guess it's because that conversation is backed up by a life lived. I met a lady named Marg while I was in the north. She had the most settled and contented spirit of anyone I have ever met. She works at a home for orphaned and abandoned babies. She gave up a nice job with Delta Airlines five years before to move to a remote little village in Thailand to work at a babies home. She simply told us about her life, her relationship with God, and how the hand of God was evident through every part of her moment of her life. She is somebody who's relationship with God is so close and so real. I envy that. I wish I was that close to God. I wish that I had the same peace and love that she has. Lord let it be in me...


0r4cl3 said...

It is nice to have you back within....umm....writing distance, Sarah! I hope that you had a wonderful time. I will catch you sometime on IM...

Jeremy said...

Ditto! ;-)