Saturday, October 02, 2004


So it's rainy season here in Bangkok, and almost nightly our grassway transforms itself into a waterway. Last night I happened to get caught in a friend's house when the rain started. Talk about terrential downpour! It was a monsoon! By the time the rain stopped and I was ready to head home, the grassway between my friend's house and my building was completely under water. I could have canoed home. Instead I rolled up my pant legs, and waded right in. When I got to the soggy earth on the other side I almost stepped on a frog, which threw me off course a bit. By the time I slid into my building I was soaked and muddy from head to toe. What a mess.

This morning I taught my last Saturday English class before October break. I am so excited about October break. I can't wait to go places and do things. I like teaching, but it will be nice to have some time away from it. This afternoon I spent shopping at Chatuchak Market in Mo Chit. It was a lot of fun. I don't usually enjoy shopping too much, but today I really had a good time. I went with a Thai friend, an American friend and a Canadian friend. We just kind of goofed off and enjoyed ourselves. We fought the crowds and tried on clothes and bartered and bargained. I actually purchased things. This was the first time I've really gone shopping since I've been here. I actually went to the market with a little money this time. It's a lot more fun that way. When I got home a bunch of my Thai and farong friends had a barbeque for everyone involved in our evening English program. I had some great rice noodles, morning glory, and squid. I am a fan of Thai food. Tonight it is raining again. This time I am in my own building for the downpour. It's kind of nice. A bunch of my friends and I are here watching movies and drinking hot drinks. Nights like these are perfect movie nights. My friend Mink is staying over with me tonight. It'll be nice to have someone here. Mine is the only occupied room on the floor that I live on, and sometimes it gets a little lonely. I guess that's life.

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