Friday, October 01, 2004

Eat at Joe's

One thing that I haven't gotten used to yet in Thailand is the extreme familiarity between creatures and people. The other night I came home after dark, and since I know my building pretty well now, I decided not to turn on the lights as I made my way toward my room. With my keys in hand, I reached for my doorknob. Apparently I should have given warning of my arrival because I disturbed something. As I grabbed the doorknob a rather large roach jumped on my hand and scurried up my arm. I was a bit startled so I forgot my manners. I gave him a good hard shaking before I sent him flying to the floor. How rude am I? Well I think I make up for it in my benevolent treatment of mosquitoes. I host them daily for a free flesh buffet. It's a huge hit. They tend to overstay their welcome though, and over-eat. I am thinking of closing it down, flooding it out with bugspray or something, but I have never been quite this successful at anything before.

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