Tuesday, November 16, 2004


It's weird that time passes when I am not there to see it pass. Things change, people change, relationships change, and I'm not there to experience it all for myself. People who have been in my life all of my life pass away, and I cannot attend the funeral. When I return my family will be changed, my friends will be changed, so many things will be different. I know that's part of being away, and I should be used to it by now, but with recent, random events taking place it's been bothering me a little. I wish I could freeze life at home while I am away, so that things would be the same when I get back. It wouldn't work though, because I would be different, so things would be different anyway. Life is change, I just have to deal with that, and do my best to change for the better.


0r4cl3 said...

And change isn't a bad thing, most of the time. It is just that the change for so many of us has brought about so many bad things, while the results are questionable. But as they say, hindsight is 20/20. We shall see...

License to thrill said...

I wish I wasn't here to witness it. All your missing is me swearing alot.

amoetspes said...

Lol, Tom I can always depend on you to give me a new perspective. Although, I am not really missing your swearing, I read your blog on a regualr basis. I'm just missing your voice and facial expressions as the words come out.

Jeremy said...

im taking the good change with the bad right now. Im happy the changes have come even though some arent so great...