Sunday, November 28, 2004

My Day

My roommate and I joined two of the GES teachers and went to a Thai church today in a bit of a slummy area towards downtown. I felt more at home there than at just about any other church that I've been to here. It totally reminded me why I am here. It was a small congregation that met in the middle of this old mall building that was partially open to the out doors. I felt completely comfortable worshipping there. There were no pretenses, no airs. The people there were real and welcoming. Some farong were in the congregation. They were all fluent in Thai. One lady translated for us. I immediately felt like I was in the midst of friends. The people there were approachable and warm. Their purpose is to reach out. They were casual, they didn't make you feel uncomfortable if you weren't dressed a certain way or if you didn't behave a certain way. I loved it. I'll definitely being going back again.

This afternoon I went to the Ministry of Health with my roommate, Gift, and Mink to swim. It was a lot of fun. I was actually cold in the water. I get excited about being cold here because it never happens.

Tonight, while everybody was gathered around the TV watching Charlie Brown's Christmas, I served them the apple cake that I had made yesterday. When the movie was over we all sang Christmas carols. I know it sounds cheesy, but I am missing the whole feel of the Christmas season, so I am willing to be a bit cheesy every so often.

Tomorrow it's back to work. I wish I didn't dread it so much. I love Thailand, but man I don't like my job very much. I like my students and I like teaching them, but I really don't like the working environment here. I do my job to support myself, but my real passion here is teaching my evening class. I am also hoping to get involved in some outreach stuff that the church that I went to today is involved in. I guess that I can't have one without the other.

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