Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Hairstyles and Hip Hop

I got paid to have my hair washed today. How great is that? Only in Thailand. This shampoo testing center wanted long farong hair, and my hair is hitting the middle of my back lately (I need to get it cut) and I am reminded hourly of the fact that I am a farong, so I fit the bill, and they paid the bill! It was nice, like getting paid to get a full head massage and hairstyle. Good stuff.

Tonight I hung out with the evening English crew and my students taught me useful Thai slang to toss into random conversations. Of course they picked up on the American slang much better that I did on the Thai slang, and they used it on me!

Today one of my grade six students put a baseball cap on cock-eyed, swaggered up to me, and said, "I'm hip hop, yo," in the most hilarious Thai accent. So funny! Thai-ghetto subculture is surfacing. Moments like those are priceless Thailand moments.


0r4cl3 said...

That is so funny! You are going to be the one responsible for Thai-ghetto-gangs uprising all over southeast Asia! Good job, Sarah!! lol

Jeremy said...

welcome to an MTV world. ;-)

License to thrill said...

I like hair.