Monday, November 08, 2004

I'm Not Alone Anymore!

I have a roomate!!! I don't know how long she will be here, but I am happy that she's here. I'ts nice not coming home to an empty living quarters. I have spent more time in my sitting room in the past three days since she's been here than I have the in the past three months. And she's real. She's totally real. She doesn't put up a front. She tells you just what she thinks and feels. It's great. I've struggled a lot with feeling very different from the people in the little community that I live in. I have had a hard time relating to the people around me, but so far I feel like can relate to her. I don't have to qualify and justify everything that I say around her. I don't have to cushion everything that I say around her. I can actually be myself. What a refreshing feeling.

1 comment:

License to thrill said...

I've been doing that for years. You might not like a Tom respounce but you'll know it's the truth.