Monday, February 07, 2005

Are We Still In Thailand?

Erin and I took two of our Thai friends to church yesterday. We took them to the international church that some of the teachers go to. It is inside of a fairly wealthy gated international community. When you drive into the community it feels like you are leaving Thailand behind and entering Florida. It's really quite strange even to me, and I've lived in Florida. To Lee and Gift it was surreal. They just kept looking around them and making comments like, "Are we still in Thailand?" We had a lot of fun though. Behind the church there is a community pool. It is huge and it is right alongside that lake, so it is quite beautiful. Erin and Gift swam in it while Lee and I drank cold coffee drinks on the Starbucks balcony that overlooks the pool. Lee and I chatted with another teacher about what we are all going to be doing next year, the Thai economy versus the American economy, funny language issues, etc. After everyone was finished swimming, we all went to Que Pasa, the nearby Mexican restaurant for lunch, and introduced Gift and Lee to some new and exciting foods. It was quite a fun day.

That evening after a bit of a rest, Erin and I became quite the little domestics. We spent the whole evening baking. We made scotchies and brownies from scratch. Mmmmm did our building smell good. All of the people living in the building, who we hadn't seen all weekend came out of the woodwork. Erin and I both ate enought cookie dough to make us sick. So much fun!

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