Saturday, February 05, 2005

A Little Annoyance

I confronted my devoted admirer again today. He's been leaving me gifts, and notes, and lurking at my job and the building that I live in. He makes me uncomfortable and he won't take a hint. I have talked to him in the past asking him to quit, and several of my friends have talked to him for me as well. Today he had a friend of his give me another little gift, and that was that. I got really annoyed, took the gift, stomped out to where he was sitting, and told him to stop. I told him to leave me alone and not to buy me things anymore. I am not very good at confrontation, and speaking to anyone in the tone that I addressed him in is completely out of character for me, but I had had enough! Hopefully he will get the hint this time. Annoyance!


0r4cl3 said...

Good job!! Go Sarah!

0r4cl3 said...

Good job!! Go Sarah!