Thursday, February 17, 2005

Letting Off Steam (Literally)

I swear lately I am a constant puddle. I drip from place to place and when I can't move anymore I simply sit and puddle. Hot season has arrived, and I cannot take the heat!!! Even that cool season was really warm for me, but at least I didn't sweat in the mornings then. Now the heat is suffocating all day long, and there's no relief. The humidity doesn't help either. High 90's and high humidity are not the most comfortable combination, and the humidity forms this atmospheric seal that seems to hold in all of Bangkok's pollution. The mosquitoes don't seem to share my sentiments. They seem to love this weather. They are thriving. Of course that may also have to do with the exquisite feast of my flesh that keeps their bellies full. Right now as I type pink welts are forming on every exposed surface. Death to them!!! Death to them all!!! I have had a head cold all week, and I am always hot, and I am tired of being dinner to a thousand little blood sucking creatures, can you tell I'm grumpy about it right now?

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